Niramaya Health

How Stress affects your Health?

Stress can be episodic/ acute (an episode of a heated argument/ anticipated exam results ) or chronic ( persistent abuse in family/ job insecurity / financial worries ) .

Both of these stimulate the “ fight or flight “ response in the body through the hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous system . As a result , the heart rate increases ( in order to supply more blood and oxygen to our cells ) and so do our reflexes and alertness. It has developed as an evolutionary response when we were a hunter – gatherer society to quickly respond to predators and survive .

However, persistent stress be it due to inadequate support at work place of conflicted relationship with your spouse , can result into release of a stress hormone cortisol into the body which if it continues to be elevated , results in chronic inflammation of the cells leading to a variety of health conditions like cardiovascular diseases , gastrointestinal disorders, skin diseases , infertility , decreased immunity , anxiety, depression and insomnia .

Our mental health professionals at Ceres Health help you manage the stress in your life effectively through counseling sessions that maintain strict confidentiality , yoga, breathing exercises and lifestyle management tools.

Reference –

Stress and Health | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

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